
Performance Meassure Value
1. Productivity:    
1.1. maximum m3/h 60
1.2. minimum m3/h 15
2. Speed of canvas movement:    
2.1. in stepless adjustment (PIV) m/min 0,36 ... 1,43
2.2. in step adjustment m/min 0,32; 0,69; 1,38
3. Installed power: kW 11
3.1. drive the canvas kW 5,5
3.2. drive shaft with thumbs kW 5,5
4. Spacer spacing mm 8100
5. Useful length of the chest mm 7550
6. Width of the feeder in the feed area mm 1160
7. Width at the output of the feeder mm 1200
8. Cubic capacity m3 7
9. Size:    
9.1. length mm 9386
9.2. width mm 2647
9.3. height mm 1695
10. Maximum volume of the superstructure above the feeder, no more:    
10.1. for normal sail m3 20
10.2. for reinforced sail m3 80
11. Weight:    
11.1. netto kg 8500
11.2. brutto kg 11470

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